In text/code fields the only option is really to use the non-VoiceOver text commands, and some information that my sighted colleagues can see is not accessible to voiceover, like where break points are or highlighted code or errors. In window dialogs and the main Eclipse controls voiceover works just fine, just a lot of tool bars to memorize. After that usually the keyboard focus jumps to what I activated and I use the same method. In menus, after navigating to them by finding the tab with Voiceover and rooting the mouse to click there, it is possible to navigate with the arrow keys and tab, and then enter or F10 to select what I want to do. Ah, and very important, F10 activates the 'right click menu'. Yes it is not perfect, far from it, but combining VoiceOver navigation in the Eclipse main Window with mouse rooting to click in some tabs or text fields, relying solely on non-VOiceOver text and navigation commands in textfields and menus, and the good old Windows tab around method, and using some Eclipse shortcuts makes it a viable option to learn and work, although not the most user friendly one. I took a 10 month intensive Java course in 2016/17 and I've been working for almost a year using Eclipse in the Mac with voiceover.